“A guide to the kindle-collections feature”

Op [b]A Kindle World blog[/b] een artikel over het gebruik van [i]collections[/i] op de Kindles : [url=http://kindleworld.blogspot.com/2011/01/guide-to-kindle-collections-feature.html]A guide to the kindle-collections feature[/url] .

Volgens host [b]Andrys Basten[/b] :
[quote]Except for no option for Alpha sorting of Collections, this feature is especially well thought out (except for the non-alpha order of the Sort-by-Collections listing), so it’s intuitive, logical, and therefore easy to use after the initial intro to it. Collections have a tag-type structure, so that you can have a book in several groupings at any time. There is only one level of groupings though, so there’s no sub-folder-like feature.[/quote]
Maar ik had toch liever een normale folder-struktuur gehad .
Zie mijn ’24-01-11 4:03′ post bij : [url=https://www.ereaders.nl/_inch_kindle_4_wishlist_inch_]”Kindle 4 wishlist”[/url] .