Gevonden op [b]ireaderreview[/b] het artikel : [url=]Kindle 4 wishlist[/url] .
Het artikel begint met :
[quote]The Kindle might see a new version, Kindle 4, sometime in end 2011 or in early 2012. Kindle 4 will probably have some new features, a whole bunch of incremental improvements, and perhaps even a jump or two in technology.
There’s a very interesting discussion currently going on at the official Kindle forum – [i]‘A wishlist for the 4th generation Kindle’[/i].
[b]Kindle owners’ Kindle 4 wishlist[/b][/quote]
Daarna volgt een lijst van maar liefst 43(!) punten van :
[quote](…)what people are wishing for, with my thoughts in italics –
Note: Have put my favorite suggestions at the top.[/quote]