“Three online notepads that work with the Kindle”

Gevonden op [b]TeleRead[/b] : [url=http://www.teleread.com/paul-biba/three-online-notepads-that-work-with-the-kindle/]Three online notepads that work with the Kindle[/url] .

[quote]Here’s a quick review of three free notepad services that work fairly well with the Kindle 3′s web browser. Why would you want a notepad service?[/quote]
[quote]I’ve listed several use cases below, but to my mind these notepad services are ideal for creating a [url=http://redirectingat.com/?id=3172X615387&xs=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fbooksprung.com%2Fmake-your-own-custom-kindle-shortcuts-document&sref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.teleread.com%2Fpaul-biba%2Fthree-online-notepads-that-work-with-the-kindle%2F]personalized start page[/url] on your Kindle.[/quote]