In de muziekindustrie is er veel veranderd, de afgelopen jaren. Veel traditionele spelers in de keten, waaronder platenmaatschappijen en platenzaken, zagen hun rol aan betekenis inboeten en veel mensen zagen hun banen verdampen.
Het is de vraag of de markt voor elektronische boeken dadelijk genade zal hebben voor boekenuitgevers en boekhandels:
“… the market and the internet don’t care if you make money. That’s important to say. You have no right to make money from every development in media, and the humility that comes from approaching the market that way matters. It’s not “how can the market make me money” it’s “how can I do things for this market.” Because generally, when you do something for an audience, they repay you. The Grateful Dead made plenty of money. Tom Peters makes many millions of dollars a year giving speeches, while books are a tiny fraction of that. Barack Obama used ideas to get elected, book royalties are just a nice side effect. There are doctors and consultants who profit from spreading ideas. Novelists and musicians can make money with bespoke work and appearances and interactions. And you know what? It’s entirely likely that many people in the chain WON’T make any money. That’s okay. That’s the way change works.”
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