Color E-Ink vs. Mirasol

Een ultra-kort artikeltje op [b]TeleRead[/b] met een korte video waarin de beide schermen vergeleken worden : [url=]Video comparison of Mirasol display and Hanvon color e-ink display[/url] .

De volledige(!) tekst :
[quote]Got the like from [url=]E-Ink-Info[/url]. We are all so used to the vibrant colors of an LCD display that I don’t think consumers are going to be wild over the muted colors displayed here. I doubt either one will make it big in the marketplace.[/quote]
Interessant is ook het kommentaar van [b]MarkChan[/b] :
[quote]Maybe they won’t sell on their colour saturation, but instead might sell based on increased contrast ratio for black-white. (…)[/quote]