Eerste ebook van The New York Times

Gevonden op [b]Daemon’s Books[/b] site (via het [b]TeleRead[/b] artikel [url=]Competition for reader attention heading up, says Mike Shatzkin[/url]) , een artikel over het eerste door de NYT gepubliceerde ebook : [url=]New York Times to Publish First E-Book[/url] .

De openingszin :
[quote]According to Publishers Weekly, the New York Times is set to publish its first e-book, Open Secrets: WikiLeaks, War and American Diplomacy on Monday, January 31.[/quote]
Met als [b][i]zeer interessant[/i][/b] citaat :
[quote]The New York Times will only release an e-book version and a reportedly has no plans for a print book, citing the “speed and modest cost” of releasing the title only as an e-book.[/quote]
En als promo :
[quote]The e-book, done in-house, will be available at, Barnes&, the Google eBookstore, and Apple’s iBookstore for $5.99.[/quote]