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Home Forums Ereaders Kobo Fabrieksherstel Reageer op: Fabrieksherstel


Volgens kobo is dat het volgende:

1. If possible, turn off your eReader.
Note: If your eReader doesn’t turn off, try pressing and holding the power button until you see Powered off on your screen.
2. Insert a paper clip into the small hole beside the Micro USB slot and push gently.
You’ll feel a click and your eReader will reset itself.
3. When you see square icons on the screen, insert a paper clip into the small hole beside the Micro USB slot and push gently.
4. Repeat step 3 two more times.
Your eReader’s screen will turn black, and show a Critical error message. Don’t worry, this is normal.
5. Tap the check mark icon at the bottom of the screen to reset your eReader.