Gratis ebook: ‘Best of both worlds’

Voor wie geïnteresseerd is in de vraag hoe musea, bibliotheken en andere beheerders van cultureel erfgoed kunnen inspelen op de snel digitaliserende wereld is het gratis te downloaden ebook ‘Best of both worlds’ van Smithsonian-directeur G. Wayne Clough zeker het lezen waard.

[quote]In his book, Best of Both Worlds: Museums, Libraries, and Archives in a Digital Age G. Wayne Clough, the Smithsonian’s 12th Secretary, surveys the efforts of many world-class institutions, including his own, to use technology to open their collections and programs to the world. He asks a fundamental question: ‘How can we prepare ourselves to reach the generation of digital natives who bring a huge appetite-and aptitude-for the digital world?'[/quote]
Het ebook is gratis te downloaden via Amazon, iTunes en Nook. [url=]meer info[/url]