Op [b]blog kindle[/b] een artikel over het lezen van Kindle ebooks op Linux hardware : [url=http://blogkindle.com/2011/02/kindle-books-on-linux/]Kindle Books on Linux[/url] .
[quote]As of recently it is possible to run Kindle for PC application [b]via Wine[/b] on Linux. I tested it on 64-bit install of [b]Ubuntu 10.10[/b] and put together this step-by-step instructions and a short review. Enjoy![/quote]
[quote]Overall the app runs and works nicely but with minor quirks. Books download, you can read books, highlight passages and annotate. I couldn’t get dictionary lookup to work. On one of the two machines that I’ve tested the application refused to download dictionary claiming that it is not in my archived items and on the other it froze the entire virtual machine when it attempted the download (could have been a VM issue). But aside from this quirk you can totally read Kindle books on your Linux box. You can also use Google and Wikipedia for definition lookup.[/quote]