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Neem bijvoorbeeld het ebook ‘[url=]The Business of Media[/url]’. Ik streepte hier een aantal zaken in aan. Met de share functie kun je nu min of meer in één keer zien waar het ebook over gaat (en wat mijn aandacht heeft 😉 ).


Keep a thin staff, hire bloggers based on performance so you can scale up or down, entertain and deliver useful information to your audience.Read more at location 28 • Delete this highlight
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it’s shocking to me how little journalism students—and even their professors—know about media business models.Read more at location 33 • Delete this highlight
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journalists typically have no idea about their own return on investment.Read more at location 52 • Delete this highlight
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A lot of folks who were yapping about content being king were media people trying to feel better about themselves.Read more at location 128 • Delete this highlight
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The reality to date: Distribution is king.Read more at location 131 • Delete this highlight
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This SEO thing can be bit galling sometimes. We’re slaves to an algorithm we know nothing about.Read more at location 146 • Delete this highlight
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Search algorithms today. Social graphs tomorrow. It won’t be long before we’re hearing about social graph optimization (SGO)Read more at location 169 • Delete this highlight
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Revenue shares will become a dominant model.Read more at location 246 • Delete this highlight
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2011 will be the year of attempting subscription models online.Read more at location 252 • Delete this highlight
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It’s difficult to go from free to subscription without much value added.Read more at location 294 • Delete this highlight
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Subscriptions may not necessarily have to generate a lot of revenue if they are able to make your content more valuable—and raise ad rates.Read more at location 319 • Delete this highlight
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Direct marketing is really one big math equation. Let’s face it: Media people suck at math. Direct marketing is also a big information technology problem. Guess what? Media people generally stink at technology too.Read more at location 339 • Delete this highlight
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If anything, publishers need to focus more on their Web sites—mobile and tethered. Apps are nice, but in the long run Web design is going to win the day.Read more at location 450 • Delete this highlight
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After all, newspapers everywhere are partially going extinct because they forgot the one thing that made them special: Local coverage.Read more at location 557 • Delete this highlight
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